Thursday, April 14, 2011

Last day of radiation

We are finished!! For now anyway. We have to go back in about 3 months for his lungs. After our appointment today he went to toys r us to buy some toys with his radiation money. For every treatment he got a dollar and five for the last one. We met with the doctor and he said that the radiation continues to work for about 2 months after he is finished. He also told us not to panic if we don't see alot of improvement on his MRI because it could take a few months to see results. There have been slight improvements in his eye movement and double vision. He is glad to be done with that.

Tomorrow we have surgery so I will let you all know how it goes.


  1. Praying for you all~ If you ever need anything please know that I am always here! : )

  2. Great picture. Aren't the radiation tech guys so nice? Hugs to you and the fam!
